Akimisheva Zhanar Abdisadykkyzy is a member of the "Society of Women Scientists of Kazakhstan" and scientific association "Scientists-philologists of Turkestan". Graduate of the Philological Faculty of Al-Farabi KazNU. In 1998 she received a Master of Philological Science degree in the specialty "Theory of Linguistics". In 1999-2001 she studied at the postgraduate studentship in the specialty "Comparative historical, comparative and typological linguistics". In 2004 she defended her candidate's thesis in the specialty 10.02.19 -theory of language on the topic: "Motivation and character of ornamental names (linguistic and cultural aspect)". Her career began in 1998 at the T.Zhurgenov KazNAA. In 2003-2006 she worked as a leading researcher at the SRC and technical secretary of the Dissertation Council of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages. She was a leading simultaneous interpreter in the information department of the political party "Otan" (Nurotan). From 2006 to 2008 she worked at the "Faculty of International Relations" of Al- Farabi KazNU. Also, during these years, she taught theoretical disciplines at Kainar University, Institute of Management and Communications, Academy of Civil Aviation. In 2008- 2014 she lectured on the course "Turkology" at the A.Yassawi IKTU. She taught at the magistracy of the Regional Social and Innovation University and Shymkent University in Shymkent city. She is engaged in linguistic and cultural studies in the field of language and culture. She has published about 50 articles in scientific publications, and became the author of the 8 model curriculums for translators of the state standard. She took part in 2 major scientific projects under the guidance of Professor R.A. Avakova (“Linguistic picture of the Turkic world”, “Contactology: the influence of Turkic culture in world civilization). She has participated in international scientific forums and symposiums in the USA, Wisconsin (Madison), Turkey (Istanbul), Greece (Thessaloniki), Russia (Moscow), Uzbekistan (Tashkent), etc.


Educational institution


Expiration date

КазНУ им. аль-Фараби

Academic degree

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Graduation Date
Author Documents


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